
Showing posts from December, 2015


When it comes to eyebrows this season, pencil thin is out & sleek, neat grooming is in! Take a leaf out of Alexander Wang's book who sent models strutting ... k-ayo: Orange eyes model :Natalia stina rapp wastenson eyebrows big Eyebrows bold eyebrows lips blonde blonde hair beautiful girl cuneyt akeroglu editorial photo shoot fashion shoot fashion magazine

How the Fed will raise interest rates

  How the Fed will raise interest rates ON DECEMBER 16, the Federal Reserve will probably raise interest rates from the current corridor of 0-0.25%, where they have been for six years. The last time it lifted rates from an extended stint near zero was 1947. But this rise will be exceptional for more than ending zero rates. The Fed will also be using new monetary policy tools to make rates budge. How, then, will the Fed raise rates? The interest rate the Fed tries to shift—the “federal funds rate”—is the rate banks charge each other for overnight loans. These loans are made because the Fed requires banks to hold a minimum amount of money in their accounts at the Fed each night. Banks with plentiful Fed balances lend to those in need, to help them make their quota. In the past, the Fed has moved the interest rate on these loans by buying and selling government debt. For instance, when the Fed sells a Treasury to a bank, it docks that bank’s account with the Fed ...

How America's top court justifies affirmative action

The Economist explains How America's top court justifies affirmative action FIFTY years ago, President Lyndon Johnson spoke of the need for affirmative action in an address at Howard University. “You do not”, Mr Johnson told the graduates, “take a person who, for years, has been hobbled by chains and liberate him, bring him up to the starting line of a race and then say, ‘You are free to compete with all the others,’ and still justly believe that you have been completely fair.” This race metaphor—along with the image of “leveling the playing field”—continue to animate debates about racial preferences in hiring and education a half-century later. But curiously, these justifications for giving special consideration to certain applicants have little to do with how America’s Supreme Court has addressed the question. And in their most recent foray into the constitutionality of affirmative action,  Fisher v University of Texas,  the j...


The fifth Republican debate A Vegas line-up that puts Ted Cruz in the middle N THE fifth televised Republican primary debate, held in Las Vegas on December 15th, Jeb Bush at last launched the serious assault on Donald Trump that no serious contender for the party’s presidential nomination yet had. The man who is still the Republicans’ front-runner is a “chaos candidate and he’d be a chaos president,” said Mr Bush, even as Mr Trump obligingly illustrated why he might think that. Belligerently, Mr Trump reiterated his recent suggestion that a good way to deter Islamic State members would be to kill—or at least to be “very, very firm with”—their families. When it was put to him that this might not be legal or moral, he sneered back: “So it’s all right for them to kill us, but not for us to kill them?” When asked to comment on the “triad”—the suite of land-, air- and sea-based nuclear arms that underpins America’s strategic defence—he blustered: “Nuclear, the...