The fifth Republican debate

A Vegas line-up that puts Ted Cruz in the middle N THE fifth televised Republican primary debate, held in Las Vegas on December 15th, Jeb Bush at last launched the serious assault on Donald Trump that no serious contender for the party’s presidential nomination yet had. The man who is still the Republicans’ front-runner is a “chaos candidate and he’d be a chaos president,” said Mr Bush, even as Mr Trump obligingly illustrated why he might think that.

Belligerently, Mr Trump reiterated his recent suggestion that a good way to deter Islamic State members would be to kill—or at least to be “very, very firm with”—their families. When it was put to him that this might not be legal or moral, he sneered back: “So it’s all right for them to kill us, but not for us to kill them?” When asked to comment on the “triad”—the suite of land-, air- and sea-based nuclear arms that underpins America’s strategic defence—he blustered: “Nuclear, the power, the devastation, is very important to me.” In a debate on foreign policy, for which he had the opportunity to prepare, he made it appear that he does not know what the triad is.
And yet Mr Bush, who garbled his opening and closing remarks painfully, is no longer a serious rival to Mr Trump. And the only the candidates who seem to be, Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz, are reluctant to attack him for fear of alienating his supporters, whom they hope to inherit.
That pussyfooting was one reason for prolonged periods of nonsense in what was supposed to be a serious discussion of American security. Invited to explain why he had refused to condemn Mr Trump’s recent pledge to bar Muslims from America, Mr Cruz, an ultra-conservative, first-term senator from Texas, demurred shamefully. The main moving part in the Republican field, in recent weeks Mr Cruz has surged to first place in Iowa and second overall. He appears the best-placed to mop up Mr Trump’s supporters, if the orange-haired front-runner flames out before voting begins in February.
Ignorance was also a problem. Listening to Ben Carson, a former front-runner and neurosurgeon, discuss foreign policy does not get any easier. His suggestion that, instead of requiring resettlement in America and other Western countries, Syria’s refugees could be packed into the Kurdish north of the country was fatuous. Carly Fiorina, whose main claim to the nomination is her leadership of a company, Hewlett Packard, whose share-price fell by 65% during her tenure, also struggled. Her insistence that technology companies would help the government track criminals if it would only ask them sounded unconvincing.
A bigger snag was that none of the candidates had a more convincing security or counter-terrorism plan than President Barack Obama, whom they nonetheless united in castigating. Chris Christie, the tough-talking governor of New Jersey, who may retain an outside chance of breaking into the leading pack, derided the sitting president, who has bombed seven countries so far, as a “feckless weakling”. Nonetheless, the debate threw up some important differences, of which the battle between Mr Rubio’s Wilsonian internationalism and the caustic realism of Mr Cruz was most important.
Judged on the merits of his contributions, Mr Rubio, a first-term senator from Florida who is emerging as the last hope of the Republican establishment, probably won the debate. As in previous performances, he showed an impressive grasp of policy and excelled in the cut-and-thrust. He can seem a little too manicured at times: thus, for example, when he recommended that IS “be confronted with serious proposals”. Yet his attack on Mr Cruz, for sabre-rattling against IS (he promises to “carpet-bomb” the group) despite having several times voted not to increase defence spending, was a good one.
Mr Rubio appears to be the Republican least unlikely to appeal to a non-partisan audience. But that is not the primary electorate, which is not yet in the mood for Mr Rubio’s brand of reasonableness. Republican voters are angry and fearful, over the slide in their own influence and in America’s, which the latest terrorism scares are exacerbating. The thuggish populism of Mr Trump and ersatz intolerance of Mr Cruz speak to those emotions—which is probably why they both had a good night. Mr Cruz has always been a skilful actor-politician; in Las Vegas, where he spoke more than any other candidate, he had for the first time the air of a main player.
Quite how well Mr Trump got on is hard to say. He dominated the debate at times; he also spoke offensive nonsense, but that has not damaged him so far in this contest. Since announcing his would-be ban on Muslims, his lead seems to have grown. The latest polls put him on around 40%, almost 20 points ahead of Mr Cruz.
Whether Mr Trump can win the nomination is still unclear; not least because those who don’t love him tend to dislike him intensely. Should they manage to nominate someone else however, Republican planners fear Mr Trump could to run as an independent, splitting the conservative vote and spelling doom for their candidate. In Las Vegas, Mr Trump, who was once a Democrat, said that would not happen; “I am totally committed to the Republican Party”. Arguably, this was the biggest news on debate—or it would be, if Mr Trump could be believed. His record suggests that would be unwise.

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