Sawalha shown the Big Brother door Actr

Sawalha shown the Big Brother door

Actress Nadia Sawalha branded her time in the Big Brother House "hell" as she became the fourth celebrity to be voted out.The Loose Women panellist, 50, did not pull any punches after she left, describing her fellow housemate Katie Hopkins a "silly cow".
And she accused the outspoken Sun columnist of bullying celebrity blogger Perez Hilton in the house.
Nadia Sawalha has left the Celebrity Big Brother house
Nadia Sawalha has left the Celebrity Big Brother house
Sawalha struck up a close friendship with Hilton, who has been at the centre of furious arguments with his other housemates.
But the actress said Hopkins' fiery rows with the American left her more determined than ever to stick up for him.
She said: "I think people lost the courage to be his friend. They all said to me everyday 'You see it's association'.
"People wouldn't even sit next to him on a chair in case its association, because they knew the audience hated him. I just couldn't do that.
"Even if I hadn't liked him I would have aligned myself to him because because I'm not going to see anyone isolated.
"That was the plan. Katie Hopkins said 'Everyone in this house must isolate him'. She said that.
"I hate people being bullied."
Sawalha said she thought Hopkins, 39, wound people up and left them feeling victimised.
She said: "I just thought she was a silly cow. She was somebody who would say the most contentious thing to get the crowd baying, to make people feel victimised. And that is exactly what she does in the house."
The actress was clearly happy to leave the house, telling viewers that she preferred being a viewer than a contestant on the show.
Laughing, she said: "I should never have crossed over. I made a terrible, terrible mistake. It was a disaster."
But Hilton looked glum when her name was announced.
Another celebrity will be evicted in a two-hour live special on Monday.


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