Grain and thunder
DEADLINES are a mixed blessing. A ticking clock can focus minds, but
it may also leave too little time to resolve hard choices. Either
outcome is possible as negotiations on several big trade deals reach
their final weeks.
The good news is that there is lots of activity. In February America
announced plans for an ambitious Trans-Atlantic Trade and Investment
Partnership (TTIP) with Europe. Its name is an echo of the Trans-Pacific
Partnership (TPP), a planned tie-up among Pacific-rim economies that
grew in importance when Japan joined the talks in March. More
encouraging still was the revival of the Doha round of multilateral
trade talks at the World Trade Organisation (WTO). These had collapsed
in 2008 but resumed last year with an eye towards completion of a deal
this year.
The bad news is that many of these negotiations have hit rough
patches. That is partly a function of deadlines: both TPP and Doha are
due to conclude next month, so the trickiest details can no longer be
put off. Yet recent glitches also suggest that politicians overestimated
political support for big new deals.
The threat of failure in the Doha round is most serious. The WTO’s
members have not agreed on any broad cuts to tariffs or in other trade
barriers since its inception in 1994, despite repeated attempts. In
early December trade ministers will meet in Bali, Indonesia, in theory
to sign a deal. Yet negotiators are still at loggerheads.
Simplicity is the watchword of the revived talks. The “single
undertaking” approach, in which no issue could be considered settled
until an entire deal was worked out, has been scrapped. Instead
negotiators are aiming to take what they can get and leave the rest for
later. At the heart of the Bali package is a pact on “trade
facilitation”, measures to reduce the cost of trade through investment
in infrastructure and alignment of customs rules. It is hard to imagine
who could object to that. Yet some developing countries worry that they
may be unable to overhaul their customs regimes on the required
Agriculture, as ever, is a problem: “food security” is the biggest
stumbling block. After recent rises in food prices many developing
countries adopted new agricultural subsidies to encourage farmers to
grow more. Such arrangements are likely to break WTO rules, which
specify that subsidies should not exceed 10% of the total value of
A group of developing countries led by India wants to amend the
rules. One option, a “peace clause”, would prevent challenges to such
subsidies within the WTO’s dispute-resolution mechanism. Rich countries
have balked. America, in particular, is worried about the effect the
subsidies might have if the resulting grain ends up on world markets.
A temporary fix could defuse the conflict. Rich countries could
consent to a peace clause lasting three or four years, rather than the
indefinite waiver the Indians would prefer. The hope is that India’s
government might be more malleable after elections scheduled for May
next year. But such a cop-out would reinforce the impression that the
WTO cannot get substantive deals done.
As The Economist went to press, negotiators
haggling at the WTO’s headquarters in Geneva still seemed hopeful that
an agreement would be reached. Yet the risk that it will be a hollow one
is high. Given Doha’s tortured history and its now limited agenda,
failure would probably mean a total loss of credibility for the WTO as a
forum for multilateral trade negotiations. That, in turn, would make it
more likely that regional or bilateral deals lead to Balkanisation of
the global trade system.
Regional deals, however, face problems of their own. As the TPP
deadline approaches its opponents are mobilising in America. The
administration of Barack Obama had hoped that Congress would grant it
“trade-promotion authority” this year. That would guarantee any trade
agreement it negotiates an amendment-free vote in Congress, giving
trading partners confidence that deals struck in talks will not later be
undone by the legislature. Congress has not handed out this fast-track
favour since 2007, however, and looks unlikely to do so this year.
Worse, the foot-dragging seems to be at least partly the result of
misgivings about free trade, rather than political horse-trading or a
busy legislative schedule. Nearly half of the members of the House of
Representatives have signalled reluctance to grant trade-promotion
authority without various assurances. Many on the left, for example, are
calling for an extension of “trade-adjustment assistance”, which
provides funding for training and relocation to workers harmed by trade.
These measures are scheduled to expire at the end of next year.
Democrats and Republicans alike also want to include restrictions on
currency manipulation in any new deal (though they do not agree on what
such rules would look like). Some legislators have expressed frustration
with the secretive way in which TPP is being negotiated. That concern
was exacerbated when WikiLeaks, a whistle-blowing website, published a
draft TPP chapter that seemed to reveal a push to disseminate America’s
onerous copyright rules.
Another deal to have hit an unexpected snag involves a subset of WTO
members seeking to liberalise trade in information technology. Chinese
objections brought the proceedings to a halt in July. A few weeks ago
China agreed to resume talks, only to stay away on the appointed date.
The world of trade negotiations, alas, is forever full of obstacles.
This is about the econoic revisin issues