
Showing posts from March, 2014

Pakistan Fail Sovereignity

Pakistan was one of prosperous nation and have every God's bless on it.  Pakistan is suffering today the terrorism issue, it is one of biggest issue. Twenty or more than twenty people are  died in this country from the terrorist. Terrorist are going to be powerful on the silence of Pakistan sovereignty. They are doing terrorist activity anywhere in Pakistan. Mothers are loosing the children, sons, daughter, Sister loose brother, father, mother. Here people are fearing in walking on the road freely. No any country raise the voice against these innocent people. 

Poliicis Assaisination

In our world I have found that the world is going to ward cold war. All the developed and developing countries are suffering in the war terrorism and unethical activities. Here This world tolerates the murder, blood and terrorism because they promote the injustice and unlawful. God said when the  cruelty extends the boundaries, the world mishaps will occur. I feel a great sorry for this world, and prepare themselves toward the  war. Silence is not solution of any problem, save the countries and save the nation and save the culture.